
30 day anti-procrastination plan

The most simple and intuitive anti-procrastination solution build for you!
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How it works

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    Gain better understanding on your problem with procrastination and find the root causebehind procrastination
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    Write down your thoughts on our questions for you on each daily sessions. Writing is effective on for really thinking the problem behind procrastination
  • 3


    Reflect your previous answers and gain actionable insights that will help you tackle procrastination
Start using for free
Luminexa is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.
Start you anti-procrastination journey today!

About us

Welcome to Luminexa where we're dedicated to helping you break free from the grip of procrastination and unlock your full potential. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful realization: procrastination is a challenge that affects us all at some point in our lives. It can hinder our progress, delay our dreams, and leave us feeling frustrated.

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